Location: Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil

Born in MN, USA. Came to Brazil in 1997. Married with 2 girls.

Friday, October 27, 2006

The Real Breadwinners on the Political Trail

I understand that politicians use whatever means they have at their disposal to get re-elected. That often results in mudslinging, half truths, and even outright lies. But it never ceases to amaze me at how the politicos have no problem trotting out their wives in an attempt to curry favor when their own approval ratings are low.

When Clinton was busted for screwing his chubby young intern with possibly contraband tobacco products and leaving a nasty streak of evidence on her dress (How fucked up was she that she kept that rotting away in her closet without having it cleaned?), out came Hilary to save the day. She stood next to Billy Boy like someone out of a Tammy Wynette song and brought his ass out of the fire and only into the doghouse.

Now it is the Republicans’ turn to use the spouse card. The First Lady is considerably more popular that her husband right now, so she is the one doing a lot of the talking. Her latest shot was taken at Bob Woodward’s book, State of Denial. In a recent CNN interview, when asked if her husband has misled the public regarding Iraq, she claims that her husband, “… has been frank from the very very first speech he gave to the country after the September 11 attacks.” What a bunch of garbage!

First of all, September 11th had NOTHING to do with Iraq. So she should not have even mentioned 9/11 when asked about Iraq. Her use of the two together only shows, again, how off base this administration has been when trying to link Iraq first with 9/11 and later with terror in general.

Second, numerous intelligence officials have come out to say that the Bush administration continuously rejected reports that did not fit what the President and his crack team of rocket scientists had in mind. Even Colin Powell became livid when he found out how he had been used in this whole little operetta.

But her words will certainly have a positive effect for the Republicans as her voice is considered to be one of calm and reason.

So the spousal parade will continue on its triumphant course. It may be a man’s world, but it turns out that it is often the woman who brings home the bacon in an election year.


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