Location: Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil

Born in MN, USA. Came to Brazil in 1997. Married with 2 girls.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

To Have One's Cake and Eat It Too

I like movies. There is one called, “Get Shorty” with John Travolta that is particularly good. In one scene, Travolta is set up by the local crime lord. He is given a key to an airport locker that has $500k in it and told to retrieve it. But before Travolta opens the locker he notices DEA all over the place and decides not to open the locker at all. On his way out of the airport he is accosted by the crime lord’s thug and told to give the key back since he did not open the locker. Travolta can’t believe his ears. The trick did not work and now they want him to give the key back?! “I don’t know how you guys are not all dead!” Travolta says incredulously.

Now we see a similar situation with the Bush administration regarding CIA interrogation and suspected terrorists (see link).

The story is incredible to me. Let’s say the CIA is interrogating an innocent man. After waterboarding him, using sleep deprivation, and basically leaving him a psychological mess, the Bush admin and the CIA do not want him to reveal their interrogation tactic to anyone. Imagine it! You are innocent. You are interrogated over a period of months – maybe years. After all that, instead of getting an apology, you are given an NDA to sign so that you don’t tell anyone what was done to you. Fuckin’ unbelievable!

The argument the Justice department is using is that disclosure of questioning techniques would better prepare terrorists for when they are captured and thereby cost American lives. Hah!

How the hell does the Justice Dept. plan to keep these former prisoners from talking? Are they going to follow them forever, tap their phones, infiltrate their circle of friends? I mean really!

If the Bush admin persists in violating of human rights when interrogating suspects through torture, the least they could do is accept when they made a mistake and let the guy go. By trying to make the former prisoner also stay silent about what happened to him in prison, this administration is stepping over the line of logic.

It is pragmatically impossible to make sure NONE of these people talk. It would be simply stupid to expect anything of the kind. But it is typical of this administration.

We should expect more crap before long from the endless stream of shit that flows from the production line of the Bush gang. I for one am not looking forward to two more years of this.


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